You Are Probably Making Your Lower Back Problems Worse || Therapy For The Lower Back.
When your lower back is not functioning or is unstable, your whole life feels unstable. You don't have the strength to face it. I have suffered from back issues since I was very young. I remember the first time my lower back went "out." I was 18 years old and felt as if my body had suddenly become old and useless. From a yogic perspective, lower back issues affect us at our first chakra. This...

The Reality Of The Blue Osa Yoga Teacher Training (the good and the ugly)
Blue Osa is absolutely magical. It is situated in the middle of the jungle and also near to the water. It is quiet and it is peaceful. There is space. Space to be, to breathe, to think, to be creative. There is space for you to be you. The staff know you by name instantly and the animals will love on you upon arrival. The roadside and beachside are both endless for walking and running,...

The 20 Minute No Weights or Equipment Needed Outdoor HIIT Workout
18 exercises that will turn you back to 18 Have you got 20 minutes for a full-body workout that will tone your body and help you lose weight? That’s right, 20 minutes is all I ask of you! No weights or funny equipment. The on-point Yogi Aaron’s No Equipment Fat Burn Workout uses your bodyweight in an intelligent way, while following a simple and effective HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)...

The Best 20-Minute Total Body Beach Workout
Beach Ready, Steady, Go: 9 Exercises and 20 Minutes are All You Need Let’s go old school and forget all about sport equipment and gym spaces. With this HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout, you’ll sculpt the body of your dreams before realizing it! Yogi Aaron’s BEACH Fat Burning Workout saves you from all the trouble, time and money of going to the gym. All you need to...

7 Easy HIIT Dumbbell Exercises To Give You A Total 40-minute Workout
Want to burn calories fast and get the body you want? This easy and fast HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout will do just that. All you need is a set of dumbells and away you go. Gey you sweat on for 40 minutes! The 7 Most Well-rounded Dumbbell Exercises: Hop Your Way to Your Best Body Somewhere along the way, we’ve managed to lose the point. All these un-necessary ‘workout...

21 Things You You Missed With Yogi Aaron In Cambodia
By now I am sure you heard about the amazing journey I lead to Cambodia. Leading yoga retreats is one of my greatest passions. And having the opportunity to lead yoga retreats around the world excites me more than anything. I love to take you to the most fascinating places on the planet--unforgettable locations that promise to change your world view. I curated these special yoga retreats...

Insane High Intensity Total HIIT TRX Workout :: The Whole Body on 30-Minutes
It is time get rid of the weights and get your TRX on! This insane and total HIIT TRX workout will help accelerate your fitness and health goals. Invented by a former U.S. Navy SEAL, the TRX (short for total-body resistance exercise) turns every exercise into a challenge for the core by using two very accessible resources: gravity and our own bodyweight. All you have to do is anchor the TRX...

7 Techie Must-Haves to Prepare For Your First Yoga Immersion
Yoga immersions are a time for new beginnings, establishing healthy habits, discovering and learning as well as exploring new vehicles of transformation. Anyone who is looking to bring more meaning and purpose in their workplace are now turning to immersions for not only answers, but a time out. Wandering how you can keep your yoga immersion modern-zen? We’ve got you covered! With these seven...

The Top 5 Yoga Apps Every Techie Must Have
If you’re into comic books, video games, sci-fi, fantasy conventions, working on Windows, Unix and iOS, and science museums, this blog post is for you. Yoga is an evolving ancient art of breathing and stretching which has now married the wonders of modern technology. There is a wealth of yoga apps available for Android and iOS devices that provide visual and audio guides to a variety of poses,...

Where The Real Yoga Starts: Taking Your Practice Off The Mat
It is common for people to go through dry spells or feel burnt out from work. We all have, at one point of another, felt uninspired, overworked, and just plain exhausted from the daily humdrum of life. We don’t always have time to go to cook healthy meals or go to yoga classes. One might wonder what it would be like to have more hours in a given day to do the things we want to do to live a more...