Why Aren’t More Men Doing Yoga? Are Men Afraid?

Why Aren’t More Men Doing Yoga? Are Men Afraid?

I've been teaching yoga for over 25 years. To my surprise, in that amount of time, the number of men doing yoga hasn't really increased. I've seen incredible transformations with the men that I have taught. I've seen men break through self-limiting beliefs. I have seen them open their hearts in ways they never thought possible. Filled with gratitude and a new lease on life, these men have...

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Into The Cave Of The Heart Meditation Practice

Into The Cave Of The Heart Meditation Practice

So many of us crave inner peace, but few of us know how to get there. Every year at Blue Osa, we receive hundreds of seekers looking for guidance on how to find inner peace. One of my most favorite practices to offer these sincere seekers is called, “The Cave Of The Heart” meditation. "The Cave of Heart" meditation practice comes from Sutra 1:36 from the yoga sutras. Patanjali, the author of the...

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A Yogi’s Relationship With Wine and My 100-Day Wine Fast

A Yogi’s Relationship With Wine and My 100-Day Wine Fast

Have you ever thought about why you drink? I never have. For my entire life that question never came up. That is until recently. So I decided to do a 100 day wine fast. I remember the moment I began drinking. It was in 2008. Until that moment, I had never really drunk that much before. I had the occasional glass of wine, or martini. I indulged once in a while. But I would go months and months...

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5 Reasons Your Yoga Teacher May Not Be Your Guru

5 Reasons Your Yoga Teacher May Not Be Your Guru

The need to have a spiritual guide is not new. Evidence for as long as man has roamed the earth, there have been people putting themselves in the role of teacher, religious leader, master, or guru. Perhaps it comes from this constant quest to figure out what our humanity is all about. So what is new? Instant access to your own private guru. Gurus are now popping up everywhere in the form of yoga...

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What We Can Learn From The Tides

What We Can Learn From The Tides

It’s no secret that the moon is the ultimate puppet master behind the flow of our oceans. When the moon is full or new, the moon and sun are aligned with the earth to create an exceptionally strong force on the ocean’s tides. These tides are known as spring tides and vary from extremely high to extremely low tides. Meanwhile, when the moon is in quarter phases, the moon and sun work...

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Picking A Yoga Retreat Center Location

Picking A Yoga Retreat Center Location

So you read my first article in this series and decided to take the plunge and open up your own yoga retreat center. What’s next? Picking a location, of course. Sounds easy, but picking the perfect location for your yoga retreat center can be one of the most difficult things you will do. Or one of the easiest, if you follow my guidelines. Like I’ve mentioned—I never wanted to own a yoga retreat...

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10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Opening A Yoga Retreat Center

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Opening A Yoga Retreat Center

Opening a yoga retreat center is the new black. Everyone wants one. Every aspiring yogi or yoga teacher I talk to these days asks me the same question: “How did you do it? How did you open a successful yoga retreat center in paradise (aka Costa Rica)?” The truth is, unlike many aspiring yogis, opening a yoga retreat center was never my dream. In fact, I distinctly remember saying to myself: “I...

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How to Start Your Own Yoga Retreat

How to Start Your Own Yoga Retreat

It’s happened quite a bit. Too many times to count actually. I’ll be introduced to someone new; we’ll exchange platitudes for a short while before the individual will lean in close, as if letting me in on a big secret, and whisper “You know...I’ve been thinking of holding a yoga retreat of my own one of these days.”     Most people’s vision never surpasses that initial bold statement....

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How To Regain Control And Find Freedom In Your Life || The Four Fountains Of Life

How To Regain Control And Find Freedom In Your Life || The Four Fountains Of Life

We all experience suffering and in our life. This suffering can usually be traced back to disturbances that exist deep within our mind. Retracing our steps back to our most inner sanctuary becomes difficult and challenging. But where do our disturbances come from? The source of all our disturbances in life can be traced back to the ‘Four Fountains’ of life, our most basic and primal urges. You...

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Defining Asana: The Purpose of Yoga Postures and What Happens When You Master Them

Defining Asana: The Purpose of Yoga Postures and What Happens When You Master Them

Patanjali created the eight limbs of yoga known as ‘ashtanga’, ‘ashta' meaning eight and ‘anga’ meaning limbs. These eight limbs are a pathway to living a yogic life, and the third limb is the practice of asana. So often you hear this phrase, “Yoga will change your life!” So often your friends tell you that you should do yoga. Sarah Anderson demonstrates this perfectly in this cartoon in Sarah’s...

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