The Goal Of Yoga

The Goal Of Yoga

Millions of people practice yoga each day, but if you asked them what the goal of yoga is they would be at a loss to answer. So, what is the goal of yoga? Why do we come to the mat? Is it to attain bliss, become super flexible, to look good in our Lululemon?! I would...
Mantras: How Sound Affects Us On and Off The Mat

Mantras: How Sound Affects Us On and Off The Mat

I love sound. I love what it does. I love how it is shared all around the world. I love to explore sound and how it makes me feel. Have you ever considered how sound makes you feel? Have you explored sound and how it affects those around you? There is a lot of...
The Life Changing Ritual of a Morning Practice

The Life Changing Ritual of a Morning Practice

In my life, I have found that beginning my day with a powerful morning practice really changes the way my day unfolds. This has become so important and influential in my life, and much of my personal success can be greatly attributed to this practice of a meaningful...
The Four Qualities of a Great Yoga Class

The Four Qualities of a Great Yoga Class

Yoga is NOW! Patanjali starts the Yoga Sutras saying Yoga is NOW. Eckart Tolle sold a billion copies and gained global recognition for a simple idea, ‘The Power of Now’. There is a hugely important aspect of life ingrained in the present moment, and being...
The Journey of Finding my Path

The Journey of Finding my Path

“Why am I here?” “What is the meaning of life?” Everyone seems to be seeking their path, their life’s purpose, their Dharma. When you are following your path and living your Dharma you are living in accordance with your true nature, which brings a sense of...
The Path to Happiness is Yoga

The Path to Happiness is Yoga

Do you want to be happy? I mean really, truly, from the depths of your soul, happy. Are you ready for that kind of life changing happiness? Are you willing to live the authentic path of yoga? Because guess what? Yoga is the key to happiness! I came to realize that...
14 Supplements To Improve Your Health (And Life)

14 Supplements To Improve Your Health (And Life)

Ideally, we would not need supplements and would get all of our necessary nutrients from the food that we eat. However, using supplements to improve your health can be a great way to do just that – supplement your diet! The best way to look after yourself is to...
What Are Bandhas and Why You Should Be Using Them

What Are Bandhas and Why You Should Be Using Them

One of the most amazing and powerful practices in yoga involves using our “bandhas”.   What Are Bandhas? Bandhas are the gateways of energy within our bodies often referred to as “locks”. Swami Rama said that a true yogi is “One whose spine is full of...