How To Use Yoga To Find Your Way Home


Video Transcript: Find Your Way Home

Today’s episode is about going home.

It all starts from a quote that says: “All memories can be distractions”

The practice of yoga helps us start looking at those memories just as they are and to return back to the moment.

In the first Yoga Sutras it’s interesting to point out that Patanjali talks about this idea of COMING HOME.

Panjali says very emphatically that all that takes us away from home is all that goes on in our brains; our memories, and the more we focus on those memories, the more we get caught up in them, the more we have attachments to them, we get removed from our home, we are no longer there”

My teacher Allen talks about taking 18 minutes a day to reset.

If you can just stay in that place that is “home”, or in that place that you resinate as being home, then every cell in your body and every cell in your being redirects to that Steven Covey calls “true North”.

By doing so you become inwardly aligned with where you need to be.

And where does that moment of home begin?

It begins NOW.

What pulls us out of the now is “the committee”, the mind.

Start to work on the practice of coming back to the now.

Whether it’s your own personal practice, a meditation practice, cultivating awareness.

Now is where the magic happens.

And notice in your life, what takes you out of the now. That’s part of your practice.

Rather than always focusing on trying to be in the now, you can also think about what pulls you out of the now.

Learn more about Yogi Aaron’s journey in his recently published autobiography!

Autobiography Of A Naked Yogi