Open Your Heart + Open Your Life || Yogi Aaron’s Secret Backbending Sequence
Sometimes the weight of the world seems to be pressing in on all fronts. The desire to breathe and feel freedom is great. For many us, we seek out a release valve for the pressure of life by indulging in pleasures. We hope that for one moment we will forget our burdens or responsibilities. But this false sense of relief gained by disconnecting doesn’t really get to the heart of what is really...

Heal Your Lower Back Problems || Deep Thigh Stretch
Is your lower back constantly in pain? Do you feel debilitated and sometimes can not move? Do you often see a chiropractor for relief from back pain only to have the suffering return the next day? I have some solutions for you, and I think they might change your life. One of the solutions is to for you to stop stretching. Stop stretching your lower back? It is possible that your lower back needs...

Harnessing The Power Of Wheel Pose || How To Master A Supported Yoga Wheel Pose
Do you feel burnt out? Are you at the end of your creative life? Have you forgotten all of the possibilities life has to offer? Do you feel like giving up? I often do. Yes, I Yogi Aaron, at times have felt as if the world is closing in on me. To have the feeling that the world is closing in on you is normal. We human beings are genetically wired to survive. Our basic instinct is to survive....

The Key To Unlocking Forearm Balance || How To Do Pincha Mayurasana
Like all balancing inverted postures in the yogic system, some of us embrace the practice while others avoid them at all costs. But let's be clear about something. An inverted balancing posture is either energizing or calming. Once in a while, they are balancing (such as headstand.) Postures such as handstand and forearm balance fill us with self-confidence and energy. And who doesn't need more...

How To Master Handstands || Yogi Aaron’s Secret Handstand Practice
Yoga is a practice of walking into your fear every day and facing it head on until there is no more fear. - Yogi Aaron Handstands are one for the hardest poses to master. And let’s face it, to master handstands are really scary! Well at least for most people they are… most normal people. Whenever I am about to teach handstand to a group of beginner yoga students, there is always an enormous...

Do You Have The Ability To Imagine?
One of my favorite songs of all time is and has always been "Imagine." It is a song that, for me, conjures so many possibilities of what the world could be like. In truth, "Imagine" is a song about what a world would be like if we truly endeavored, as a species, to fulfill life's purpose and our actions served the health, wealth, peace and propseperty of the entire world. In my...

A Journey Into The Heart Of Darkness || A Yogi’s Experience In The Killing Fields
There is something that scares me to the depths of my soul. What scares me is knowing that there is a deep dark shadow side within myself capable of enacting evil and unspeakable acts. This is the same shadow side that haunts many of us. The Stanford Prison Experiment In August 14-20, 1971, Stanford University conducted an experiment known as the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). It was an...

4 Short Workouts that Will Change Your Life – For Free!
In the crazy world we live in, we really need to start simplifying our lives. We need to grasp the meaning and power of “Less is More”. And, most importantly, we need to let go of everything we don’t need. Working out is something we need. The benefits on our health, mood, and life in general, are undeniable. Spending three hours every time we decide to work out is something we don’t need. And...

What Makes A Yogi A Yogi?
What makes a yogi a yogi? This is a question many people are starting to ask these days. A couple of years ago, I watched a yoga documentary on a man’s journey to yoga, and in it, there was a scene when he meets the owner from Tits and Ass Yoga. (I am not sure if they are still in existence.) But the idea was that the instructors had to have big boobs and asses and wear clothes that were...

10 Corny Yoga Sayings Explained And How They Can Help You Find Balance in Life
It is common for people to go through dry spells or feel burnt out from work. We all have, at one point of another, felt uninspired, overworked, and just plain exhausted from the daily humdrum of life. We don’t always have time to go to cook healthy meals or go to yoga classes. One might wonder what it would be like to have more hours in a given day to do the things we want to do to live a more...